WARNING: Any new student that is pregnant or has a medical issue- please contact Stephanie Dixon prior to your first visit stephanie@bikramyogasummerlin.com or 702-367-9642.

Click here to look over a list of FAQ's regarding Medical and Pregnacy recommendations and benefits.

 FAQ's Bikram Yoga

Information provided to you by Bikram Yoga New Orleans.

Pregnancy Series and FAQ's

Kate Reese in Standing Bow  


As soon as you know you are pregnant please seek the advice of your doctor and follow advice accordingly.

You may also email me at: rajashreeyogatherapy@bikramyoga.com
  • For First Time Pregnancy, better to avoid any new form of exercise.

  • You can practice Rajashree’s Pregnancy Yoga after the 1st Trimester.

  • After 1st Trimester, from 2nd Trimester till you are comfortable exercising you may practice Rajashree's Pregnancy Yoga.

  • Rajashree's Pregnancy Yoga can be practiced in Bikram Yoga Class with moderate heat at own discretion.

  • If you are a regular Bikram Yoga Practitioner for more than a year, you can continue your practice with following Rajashree's Pregnancy Yoga.

  • If you are a student (including Teacher) and is at a High Risk, follow your doctor's advise.
Kate Ulrich in 3rd part of half moon 
No postures should be done which cause compression on the diaphragm and heart.

In backbends, don't push hips forward of knees.

IN backbends, stretch upward and back with the upper spine; when coming up
bend the knees to relieve back pressure.

Moderate heat is okay from the beginning. Separate feet slightly in standing poses
Kate Reese in Seated Forward Bend  In forward bends keep knees open.

No head to knee pose, separate leg forehead to knee, or rabbit.

Also no cobra, locust, full locust, bow.

Rest on side in between postures rather than on the back.

Long, deep, slow breathing in easy sitting position is relaxing for mom and baby.
Kate Ulrich in triangle Student: "(Yes, I used a thermometer.) When acclimated to the heat and practicing regularly, my body temp most often stayed steady, sometimes went down and rarely went up.  If I felt myself overheating, I would leave class and run cold water on the insides of my wrists and elbows to cool me down fast.  I was always able to return to class quickly and finish class."

Student: " I am currently 29 weeks pregnant and from the day I found out I was pregnant I switched to the pregnancy poses.  I have had absolutely no problems throughout my pregnancy and feel so wonderful after yoga (I average 4 times per week). I always stand in the back of the room and my instructors usually open a window for me at "party time" and keep it open until we start the floor posture series which seems to work really well for me. "

A teacher's perspective: " I usually suggest that my pregnant ladies first talk to their doctor and confirm that the doctor's actual concern with the heat is the risk of elevating the mom's internal body temperature.   (Most doctors assume that if the room is hot, mom's temp will go up too.)  If the concern is with mom's temperature, then I suggest that they bring a thermometer to class and monitor their temp throughout to gain a level of comfort.  Strenuous yoga is not ideal for some (high-risk) pregnancies, and to be perfectly honest, isn't worth the risk."
"From the day I found out I was pregnant I switched to the pregnancy poses.  I have had absolutely no problems throughout my pregnancy and feel so wonderful after yoga (I average 4 times per week). ...  I have felt convinced that one of the reasons I am having such a joyous and healthy pregnancy is because of my commitment to Rajashree's pregnancy yoga. In fact I have given testimony to this to everyone who comments on how healthy I look and my happy demeanor. I just couldn't imagine how all the positive feelings and visible results in me could possibly be harmful for the baby which I already love so much. "   Julie Marlowe
"When I was pushing, the L&D nurse was astounded by my ability to push so strongly and effectively, and my strength and stamina.."
"I...have no concerns about losing my pregnancy weight and regaining my pre pregnancy body once I am practicing again." --Kate Ulrich
Practicing yoga during pregnancy is one of the healthiest ways to nurture yourself and your baby. You will learn to become more patient and gentle with yourself and gain confidence in the beautiful mother that you are becoming. Marvel at the miracle of your baby and what your incredible body and spirit are capable of creating.

During your pregnancy, you and your baby are changing and growing every day. More than ever before, your yoga practice will change and grow from day to day. You will be faced with new challenges physically, emotionally, and spiritually. For example, physical balance may become more difficult but your flexibility will increase. Regarding the heat be cautious, but not afraid. It is still healthy for your body to sweat allowing your muscles to loosen and relax. The heat also helps toxins in the body to be released. Ask the teacher where the coolest part of the room is, and don't be afraid to sit out any poses your body (or your baby) tells you to.

Yoga means union. May yoga unite you with yourself, your breath, your body and the new life you are creating.
Rajashree's Pregnancy Yoga, DVD and Audio   

Rajashree's Pregnancy Yoga, DVD and Audio